1. Download Driver Use the drop down menu to choose your correct operating system. Scroll down to PS Printer Driver and extract files once downloaded.
  2. Go to System Preferences select ‘Printers and Scanners’ from the available options
  3. From there, you will be shown a page listing all of your current printers. At the bottom of this list, on the left hand side, there is a ‘+’ button – click on this. This will open a new window, providing various options with which to add printers.
  4. Select the ‘IP’ option, and type the following;
  5. In the ‘Protocol’ options, select Line Printer Daemon - LPD and then add the name ‘PLATF9RM - Floor 5’ to the printer for your reference.
  6. Then where it says ‘use’ click the box, select ‘select software’, type in c3525 and select the top result. Select ‘add’ and you should now be setup and ready to print. If you have any issues with your set up, please ask a member of staff.


  1. Download Driver Use the drop down menu to choose your correct operating system. Scroll down to Generic Plus PCL6 Printer Driver and extract files once downloaded.

  2. Save it into somewhere like downloads of documents so you can easily find it later. Once its downloaded go to where you saved it and extract (open) the file.

  3. Open your Control Panel. Select ‘Devices and Printers’. From here, you should be able to select ‘Add a printer’.

You will now have to select the appropriate driver for the printer. Select ‘Have disk’ and go to where you saved the driver Files. Go into the Files and select x64 (if this doesn’t work then try the x32), then find the driver, select it and click ‘open’. You will now need to scroll on screen and find ‘Canon iR-ADV c3525’, select it and click next till finish. If you have any issues with your set up, please ask a member of staff.

  1. The setup window will automatically search for printers – it is likely that PLATF9RM’s printer will not come up. Click ‘The printer that I want isn’t listed’, and on the following page select ‘Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname’. 5. On the following page, enter the following IP;

  2. On the following page, enter the following IP;

In the event of an error message appearing, just press next anyway.